Thursday, November 24, 2011

Senyru #5

"SENYRU #5" - Marion Clarke

Trick or Treat
a stranger uses my face
as a disguise

BIO: Marion Clarke from Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland, has had poetry, short stories and non-fiction articles published online and in print. Two of her stories are included in The Infection Anthology recently published by Pantoum Press and available from Amazon. Marion began studying and writing Japanese short form poetry two years ago and has become passionate about the form.


  1. you do these so well, this really is yuck, as Patsy so eloquently says!!!!

  2. Marion another cracker from you. Funny how so few words can conjure so many images in my mind.
    Well done, keep them coming.

  3. Thanks everyone, but I think the impact may have a lot to do with Spook's excellent choice of illustrations!

  4. Marion,
    Wonderful senyru. I just had a poem published here too, thanks for the link:)) Maire x

  5. Thanks Maire - and you're welcome! :)

  6. Hi Marion

    Senyru and photo are Brill

    Big Thumbs Up ;-D

  7. I've just seen this comment now, Susie! Oh well, better late than never, eh :]
